Friday, September 21, 2007

Payloader Therapy

After enough hours slumped in the chair busying about with raw materials issues and duties, one needs to relieve one's pent up muscles and mind. Couches with beagles on them are in short supply at glass plants, and so are drum sets or electric guitars. But we do have a big payloader and lots of piles of glass :-)

Sunshine, hydraulics, mountains of glass... getting shaken around by forces ridiculously larger than you should be able to control... Therapetic I say. Therapetic!

I moved about 20 tons from D pad to 2nd level C pad. Which was barely noticeable on D pad, and didn't even make a change on C pad, which is bigger than 2 houses.

Plus I stacked up the transition cullet getting dumped on 2nd row E pad, and pushed up the contaminated cullet recently dumped on F pad.

Ahhh. The world is a better place, and my back stopped aching for a couple hours :-)


P.S. That picture isn't from our plant, but it's pretty dang close. Our payloader is cooler.

1 comment:

you guessed it said...

My current gmail status is: "I like driving big stuff..."

Mostly its the company flatbed but also the stickshift box truck and the cargo van along with 4 forklifts and several cranes ranging from 4 to 25 tons...