Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Speed Dial (and digression)

One of those random bits of life that I'll enjoy remembering 20 years from now:

1. Don't use this one, for whatever reason. I just assigned it to Steve Gole.
2. Brian Chima
3. Dad Cell
4. Mom Cell
5. Home
6. Daniel
7. Hoffmans
8. Steve Hoffman
9. Quinlisks (I forget I have this one assigned)

Notice the logic of the arrangement: Rather than arranging by importance numerically (i.e. home = 1), I arranged it geometrically, since 5 is the most central button.

Incidentally, it's little things like that that will keep me from ever really fitting in with normal people.

That's a thought that touches on what's becoming very obvious at work: I just don't fit in with the "cool crew," the good ol' boys, the hang-out-at-the-coffee-machine crowd. My humor, my actions, my thoughts, my comments, my questions, my mannerisms, are all different. They all kill the mood, or break the conversation, or leave a hanging silence. Most of what I do is more logical and thought-out, or at least more free from the constraints of public-school-bred social conformity, but it still hurts to not fit in.
It has made me grateful for the people at church who let me fit in. I had forgotten what it feels like to be a tagalong, to be in the way, to be awkward, a minute late, missing the point, out of the know. Fundamentally I'm still a homeschooled geek, but I love the Christian people who let me forget that.

Hrm. Way more deeper than I was looking for here. Logic-based behavior vs. public-school-bred social conformity. One of those thoughts that I should compile into a series of essays. Something like "Logical systems and principles of everyday life: You'll say 'Hm, I never really thought about that, but you're right!'"



Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Yeah...being weird is not always fun. But being normal is boring.

So, never use #1...but it's Steve's #...poor Steve :-P

Clear Ambassador said...

No no. I never use position #1. In an effort to change that wasteful trend, I put Steve's number in it just now.
If Justin lived here, I'd definitely have his number there. Boo :-(

Jason said...

"Incidentally, it's little things like that that will keep me from ever really fitting in with normal people."
--That's why you're an engineer. I would try to offer some solace by saying that your explanation makes sense to me, except. . . I'm in engineering too.

Clear Ambassador said...

Heheh :-)

you guessed it said...


I'm cool!

I mean not cool...
