Sunday, October 14, 2007

Life: Revised

I'm gonna tap out the new plan for my life that has just materialized, to represent the thoughts and ideas that have been building up of late:

I work through May at Guardian, giving them a year of service to be fair, and then quit this job for which I am discovering I am not very well suited. I have a chance to do some travel if it works out, plus I can plan and run Youth Camp 08 during the summer, and in the fall I start taking classes at the Duquesne University school of music for a degree in sound recording or some such topic. I flourish in the environment, the formal training fills in the gaps of my homespun skills, and I make connections and build qualifications that lead to a job as a sound engineer in a studio when I graduate in 2 years.

There we go! :-)

And now I'm on my knees crying out to God again, for Him to show the way, step by step, and help me follow Him NOW, at work, and not do anything that isn't His plan.

The world feels open again, and hope scents the air like a delicious smelling salt. (Or a 15-year-old single malt scotch)

Such was the grace for today. Who knows what tomorrow's will be.

--Clear Ambassador


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Whooo-weee! Really? Man...can I audit some of your classes? I had no idea Duquesne did this sort of thing. I was actually looking into some "schools" for stuff like sound engineering in Ohio for a bit.

"The world feels open again"...interesting. One of these days I might understand what it is you and Mike don't like about the "daily grind."

Author at 661 said...

YC O8- Return of the Czar.

sound engineer- nice!

Just read this yesterday: "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Ps. 16


you guessed it said...

how is that 15-year-old scotch anyway?

you guessed it said...

and no, don't count me as one who just skips around blog posts and caught the strong drink reference... I'm praying for you dude.