- Last Friday I sent my 150th email of the semester.
- Today I stapled the best staple I've ever stapled.
No joke! I had removed a premature staple and was now restapling it correctly. But I never like the gaping holes left behind a rescinded staple, so I tried to line it up the new one to go in the same spot (always hard to do). *Squint* . . ~aim~ . . . #chunk# ..I looked at it, blew away any stray flecks, and breathed aloud to the listening stacks of papers and the watching computer screen, "I dare say that's the finest I've ever stapled." My friend, a forensic engineer could not tell that manifest had been stapled twice!! *sigh* I can now retire at the top of my profession. - The best part about work this Friday is that it won't be!
(Meaning I'm taking Friday off to go up to Akron and get ready for Saturday's big concert.)
--Clear Ambassador
Your guitarist just promised me that he'd sign his guitar pick for this Saturday's concert and give it to me, but I have to wear it around your neck just as long as you wear that ring around your neck.
...do you take that thing off for showers? I'm getting rather nervous about the hygiene implications of this :-)
haha! Go Brian :-)
You have to wear it around my neck? Gosh -- that could get rather uncomfortable...
Yes I do. Showers would rust that chain faster than a Pittsburgh winter rusts a Honda. Heck, it's rusty enough from the sweat developed by normal life activities! (And most of my white T-shirts have a faint reddish "V" down the front, where the chain hangs :-P )
Rather than a pick, get Brian to give you a busted guitar string from the concert (believe me, he WILL break strings!). You could twist it into a sweet bracelet or something!
Wow, I really mistyped that. And it was only 11:32! (you're probably strong enough for me to wear a necklace around your neck, but it would get really uncomfortable!)
hey, that's a good idea...I could string the guitar pick on the guitar string, if it's flexible enough. Or one could knot it to spell Pure Boss & wear it as a bracelet.
So much for last Saturday's concert. I hope I can come to the rescheduled one!
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