Saturday, December 02, 2006

AIM with Danmybro

[Sorry 'bout the double spaces. Too hard to get rid of.]

[I started by making a comment on his away message, to the effect that he was now the big man on campus since he was working out and consequently huge.]

odiousbane: noo, not me

odiousbane: it was a contest

slickitized: I pretty much figured so :-)

Auto response from odiousbane: Big Man on
Campus. Oh yeah.

odiousbane: yyyeah

odiousbane: this sweet guy one

odiousbane: Darrius Pugh

slickitized: wawawiwa!

odiousbane: he's awesome

odiousbane: he was in the Maryland Boys' Choir

odiousbane: and he was the best kid in it

slickitized: niice

odiousbane: wow, UK's rig is sweeeeet

slickitized: heheh

slickitized: fo' real man

odiousbane: wow

odiousbane: he's bringing it to our house

odiousbane: that's awesome

slickitized: yeah dude

odiousbane: we should take an overnight when he's
here, or something

slickitized: satellite TV!

slickitized: Mom was thinking that too

odiousbane: wow

slickitized: birding up in Erie or something

slickitized: I think you and I should sleep out there

odiousbane: yeah!

odiousbane: duuude

odiousbane: I hope he would let us

odiousbane: he may want to

slickitized: yeah, I'm not sure

odiousbane: pretty awesome

odiousbane: I wonder how many it can sleep

odiousbane: man, people aren't going to believe it :-)

slickitized: heheh

odiousbane: our crazy uncle has done it again

slickitized: foshizzle

odiousbane: what's up at home?

slickitized: well, M&D are looking at how to reorganize
the basement and put a futon in

slickitized: Daisy is mushed up against my laptop

odiousbane: ooh, nice

slickitized: Jonathan is disappeared upstairs

odiousbane: and you?

slickitized: and the music of Ecuador is farting away in
my ears

odiousbane: mmmmm

odiousbane: the stuff from Ken?

slickitized: yep

slickitized: this one song is hilarious

odiousbane: farty?

slickitized: yep

odiousbane: awesome

slickitized: gratuitious tuba and bass drum/cymbal action

odiousbane: ooh man

slickitized: it makes me laugh

odiousbane: does it make you feel like un gordo

slickitized: Kinda like that german dude in the
"Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines" movie

odiousbane: haha

slickitized: si si

odiousbane: good movie

odiousbane: we should watch that over break too

slickitized: if we can find it, yeah

odiousbane: it's out there

odiousbane: somewhere out there....

odiousbane: haha

odiousbane: is page 6

slickitized: heheh

slickitized: YES!

slickitized: COOORTIS

odiousbane: what a turd

slickitized: developin'

slickitized: seventeh

slickitized: horsepower

odiousbane: good stuff

slickitized: quality film

slickitized: how's your Friday night progressing?

odiousbane: not bad

odiousbane: I went to lunch with Chris and Sean

odiousbane: dinner

odiousbane: and then I went to the Big Man on Campus

odiousbane: it was really crazy

odiousbane: some of the things the guys did were

odiousbane: like hard to believe they actually did that at

odiousbane: it was really horrendous at a few points

slickitized: what kind of stuff?

odiousbane: one guy was dancing for a girl a chair

odiousbane: taking his shirt off and wiggling around

odiousbane: another guy....

odiousbane: who was rather portly

odiousbane: wore a hula outfit for the beachwear

odiousbane: and he was hula dancing....

odiousbane: *shudder*

odiousbane: the same guy was making jokes about
people who stutter and foreigners

odiousbane: it was pretty awesome :-)

odiousbane: one guy had the worst talent ever

slickitized: heheh

odiousbane: he was singing along with "Girls" by the
Beastie Boys

odiousbane: you should listen to that song

slickitized: heheh

odiousbane: the thing is....

odiousbane: it wasn't even karaoke

odiousbane: all the vocals were in there

slickitized: heh

odiousbane: he only "sang" about half of it

slickitized: pshht

Auto response from odiousbane: Big Man on
Campus. Oh yeah.

odiousbane: like, the whole song but only half of it

odiousbane: it was really really bad

odiousbane: he got eliminated

slickitized: sweet

odiousbane: so, that's what I did tonight

slickitized: POWER OF THE PEOPLE!

slickitized: well, I had dinner at Wendy's with Mom and

odiousbane: nice!

slickitized: picked up my car from Hueys

odiousbane: what was it doing there?

slickitized: gave them $1200 of my money

odiousbane: oh snap

slickitized: getting inspection and new front struts

slickitized: and ordering 3 new wheels

odiousbane: dang

odiousbane: was that required?

slickitized: for the wellbeing of the car, yes

slickitized: I coulda got black wheels with chrome rings

slickitized: but that sounded cheesy

odiousbane: cool

slickitized: Dude, I'm gonna have NO money left

slickitized: February, another $1000 insurance

odiousbane: eek

slickitized: that's why I tell people to not get cars!

odiousbane: will you be solvent?

slickitized: not as I stand now, no

slickitized: I've gotta work my donkey off at NOVA as
soon as school is over

slickitized: till then, it's schoolwork like a hound of hell

odiousbane: oh boy :-)

slickitized: yep

slickitized: basically, I literally have 2x more than I have
comfortable time to do

slickitized: so, we'll see how it goes

odiousbane: when do finals start?

slickitized: Symphony is on Thursday, then Process the
following Wednesday, to close out my season of formal

odiousbane: wow

odiousbane: that's close!

odiousbane: good job

slickitized: it feels like it's 2 months away :-P

odiousbane: you can make it

slickitized: yep

slickitized: it's funny - times like this, the only way some
days arrive is because time doesn't stop. Otherwise I'd
never be ready for 'em

slickitized: iykwim

odiousbane: I guess so...

odiousbane: school has never been like that for me

odiousbane: not yet

slickitized: it seems to only be like that for very brief

slickitized: a week here or there

slickitized: thankfully

odiousbane: alright

odiousbane: well, I'm going to go over to the Sac....

odiousbane: get a latte

odiousbane: watch It's a Wonderful Life

odiousbane: sound like a plan?

slickitized: sounds like I wish I was there :-)

odiousbane: same here bro

slickitized: dude, we've gotta find that alternate ending
on YouTube somewhere

slickitized: "Let's go get Mr. Pwotter!"

slickitized: YEAH!!!

slickitized: *whack whack*

slickitized: :-D

odiousbane: haha

odiousbane: what was that from?

odiousbane: SNL?

slickitized: Ken showed it to us

slickitized: I think so

odiousbane: wow, that was a long time ago

odiousbane: good stuff

slickitized: fo real

odiousbane: well I will see you later

odiousbane: college night baby

slickitized: yeah man

slickitized: peace

odiousbane: School of Rock is on

slickitized: oh hey - mind if I put this convo up on my

slickitized: niice

odiousbane: ...why?

slickitized: as a lazy yet rather effective way of
representing what's going on

slickitized: I just don't have time to write about all thIS

odiousbane: alrighty

slickitized: (That was Daisy there)

odiousbane: haha

odiousbane: tell her to get some sleep

slickitized: she says she'll try

odiousbane: good deal

odiousbane: well, have a great night!

slickitized: U2

odiousbane: and pray that I get well, if you want :-)

slickitized: haha! I'm the first person to ever think of

slickitized: oooh yeah

slickitized: You're still sick? geez

slickitized: that's a downer

odiousbane: yeah...

slickitized: I'll prae

odiousbane: thanks

odiousbane: I thought I was better on Wednesday

odiousbane: since we had volleyball and soccer games

odiousbane: but then I felt like crud again

odiousbane: ah well

slickitized: rest up tonight

slickitized: think of Daisy

odiousbane: aighty

slickitized: peace

Auto response from odiousbane: Big Man on
Campus. Oh yeah.

odiousbane: stay warm

1 comment:

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

If "the one who dies with the most toys wins," then UK is definitely vying least 147th.

Nice pix of your vaycay on Flickr, btw!