Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This is how it happens

Tonight I sent 5 emails about youth camp stuff, three of them large, long-thought-out ones thick with non-simple questions and items requiring action.

You may wonder, like I did years ago, what *planning youth camp* actually involved (or planning any big event, for that matter). The answer is mostly stuff like this. A lot of other people do things like making specific lists, buying actual items, printing signs, etc., but my role is more looking over it all and figuring out what needs to be decided (and by whom), what needs to be delegated (and to whom), who needs to be involved, and what needs to be communicated to them. This mostly takes place via the thinking involved in writing documents or emails, or in talking to someone on the phone or in person.

Perhaps this level of abstraction isn't interesting to you, but it certainly would have been to me back 5 years ago, as I stood and clapped for Steve Murphy and his mysterious work for youth camp.


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Hmm, fodder for YC08's skit...although my team apparently got docked points because we "made fun" of you for our skit?!

Thanks for the work, bro.

you guessed it said...

Somehow I magically setup the skits so that the "winning team" wasn't the winning team!

Maybe we'll have to have multiplicity factor once scores are added up for things like shaving one's head half bald!

Clear Ambassador said...

Hey man, the blame for the skits falls squarely and solely on me. We talked about it back in the day, and the system we set up was what I wanted.
It'll be different this year, trust me!

Jason said...

What a minute, am I to understand that there was more to our skit tanking with the judges than that they simply didn't like it? Were there secret scoring criteria? Were any of the judges French?

And to think, all these years I thought the point of the skits were to make fun of the camp czar (or whatever Steve and Joe were called in past years).

Clear Ambassador said...

No Jason, you've got it right. The point is definitely to make fun of the Czar, but last year the Czar came up with an intellectually pleasing and mathematically symmetrical scoring system that ended up not reflecting reality at all.

I'm thinking about a special "Czar Swing Vote" for this year... :-D

you guessed it said...

Ah, like a reverse veto?

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

SO...I'm terribly interested to know WHO THE WINNING TEAM WAS! Was Spaced Out not last?!