Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Been awhile, eh ol' boy?

Hi! Sorry I haven't been writing much lately. As in, at all. I dunno quite what's up--I just don't feel like taking the time to write about the sweet stuff that has happened. I usually feel an urge to document it so the memories are not lost, and often to complete my enjoyment of the events by recounting and recapping them. Not so for the last few weeks. I still need to write about the sweet Friday night of wading in the river and wandering around cement dumps with no shirt on and getting a gyro at 1:30am on Carson Street. And geez, Heather's mad sweet grad party last Sunday, and the whole wonderful weekend just passed. Hm. We'll see. Ultimately, I think it would be worthwhile to press through this dip in motivation to continue to document what happens, and more importantly, what I and others are like. I usually look on my past self, even of a year ago, with snooty contempt at how simple-minded and uncool I used to be. Hopefully the writings of this blog are preserving the very self-aware and thinking person that I am. It's nice to learn as you go, though.

So, there you go. Mike, you have a long-awaited RSS download from my blog. Now VISIT IT! Danmybro is sweet and Akron and Pure Boss are rather faded out at the moment. I graduate in December, Nate and I Lord willing go to Japan, and then real life starts. Or so they say. I'm still skeptical.

Beck, Imogen Heap, Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, Chemical Brothers, "Lifehouse" album, trance music and movie scores are all new cool music things. Care groups are just announced and mine still seems too good to be true. I wonder who I'll marry and when. I wonder if I should keep the Fender 75 amp I just bought. I can't believe a new nut for my old Strat cost NINETY-ONE dollars. *disbelieving exclamation of disgust and contempt* I haven't had devotions in weeks, yet somehow remain solvent spiritually, at least in some ways. I really wonder what will coalesce as normal once Daniel, Justin, Heather and Jess leave for college. I pretty much look forward to visting them at their colleges, especially Daniel and Jess. I can still hardly believe it's true that Jonathan is moving in with us in a week! Joy! In some ways I feel really smart and wise and intuitive. Like, it was unthinkingly obvious to me that the distortion section of the Fender 75 was patched in line after the clean section, not an independent channel. But that was like a big discovery for people who wrote reviews about it. I'm working harder at work now that I have a clear goal and a strong sense of necessity for the task at hand (EDNA). Classes feel mostly superfluous. I have hardly played an acoustic guitar for weeks, and I'm likin' it. There is a great weight of work to be done to bring my solo album to reality, but I keep pleasantly inching towards that goal. Imogen Heap is flat out beautiful-sounding. Daisy is flat out cute. Mom and Dad are care group leaders again! Yay for Dad's great gifts to be turned once again to the benefit of a group of people. I hope they appreciate the service they are already beginning to receive (Dad spent basically all evening working VERY hard on calling people, setting up meeting time and place, and planning our first get-together, and we just got the new assignments today!). My iTunes is fixed so I can once again rip CD's!

OK, I think I've vented and rambled enough. I closed my eyes and thought for about 10 seconds and nothing came to mind to say, so we'll leave it.

Mine is indeed a confounding cup of tea to drink, yet not unpleasant.

--Clear Ambassador


Bubs said...

I'm here! ha

Jon and I got close to the marriage subject (or maybe it was just me...) late last night over a few beers...

I think I talk to much.

This week is a confounding cup of tea.
as is the last month or so of my life.

Anonymous said...

You facebook jerk.

Clear Ambassador said...

Mmm, I don't think you talk to much on a regular basis, but I've never really considered it.

I think more important than whether you talk "too much" is whether you say good stuff, and whether you care about those you're saying it to. That's my guiding principle: try to purposefully care about those around me--i.e. be Christlike--and the right words (in the right quantities) will come.