Saturday, July 15, 2006

Baby Bluuue

Hooray! I recorded a new song this afternoon. Hooray because I finally got down to work and took an idea to completion.

After watching and Eric Clapton blues DVD with Nate I was inspired, and after diddling around for awhile came up with the main riff that constitutes this song. I spent around 4 hours playing it downstairs till I got it just about right, and then a bit more time mastering it with Ozone. I'd be very interested to hear how it hits you on your first listen, since I've lost nearly all objectivity from hearing it about 50 times.


Baby Blue

--Clear Ambassador


Jason said...

I'll assume I can remain objective after listening to it 46 times fewer than you: I like it.

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

"Blues ain't nothin' but a good man feelin' down" ~some famous man that my Dad quotes

I heart blues. Your blues song was pretty rockin' for a blues song; it seems most blues bands get a little mellow on a few chords and just kinda do what feels right. Yours had a distinctive JPB progression, and those 4 high notes somewhere in the middle of the song seem to be a common motif of yours. But the guitar was sweet. It seems to me that you haven't recorded a whole lot of heavily distorted stuff recently, and this was nice.


Clear Ambassador said...

Thank you guys for listening and commenting! If I were Japanese and not here in my house by myself, I would bow to you.