Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Woke up this morning and felt a lot better than I expected - the top of my mouth wasn't swollen, my lungs weren't quite clogged with congestion, and I didn't ache anymore (hooray).

Random thought: Think about PR. Public Relations. Like for a politician or celebrity. Now, what is the "public" with which the relations must be managed? Why is PR necessary? I think the "public" in this case is defined by being essentially ignorant about that for which PR is being managed. If they really knew this politician, he wouldn't need a PR guy to make sure every statement coming out of his mouth can't possibly be taken wrongly. If they really knew circumstances, personalities, contexts, we wouldn't need PR. The pervasive availability of news has made everyone "partial-knowers" - ignorant "public" who need to be managed. This thought isn't intended to be snotty like that last statement sounded, rather, just to sit back and ponder on the nature of PR and why we need it. An overinformed public. Which is why I don't watch news or read newspapers or hardly ever check online news. Most of it is none of my business.

Active playlist setup: Playcounts > 0. Results: 4213 items. 11.8 days of audio material. All of which I have listened to at least once.
Well, most of that's probably just one listen, right? Playcounts >1. 3483 items. 9.1 days.
>4? 1987. 5.1 days.
>9? 852. 2.1 days.
Thats a lot of hours and days and weeks and months of music that has gone into my brain.
Something I am intensely proud of, for some strange reason that is probably inscrutable to many. One of the few ways that I am a type of person I respect. Probably an idol that God will tear down or wear down through the future. Certainly something that has greatly benefitted all aspects of my musical creativity.

Chick-Fil-A for lunch tomorrow! Hearty beef & veggie soup for breakfast.

Tonight was a nearly unique night, and very satisfying. I stayed home while Mom and Dad went to prayer meeting and Daniel went off to the Shuchs' to hang out and play games. I sat in the huggle chair and ate large amounts of the oriental snacks I bought Saturday and read large amounts of "The Mixing Engineer's Handbook." I like my EQ style, but my gain staging sucks and I need to leave headroom when I record and mix. And--probably with youthful bravado and arrogance--I think my monitor setup is just fine and I can make fine mixes with it, all else being equal.

Wednesday is over. Over the hump for another week! Now it's just "tomorrowisFriday" and "todayisFriday!", and another weekend is here. Funny how the precious and irrepeatable weeks rush by.

Time to obey what I said 30 minutes ago: "I'm tired, and I'm going to go to bed."

Which brought exclamations of joy from Mom :-P


Oh, and I most definitely, indubitably and irrevocably . . . . put my boxers on backwards this morning.


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

SOL when I read your last sentence (snort out loud).

Last weekend, I spent a lot of time with a friend who studies harp at Juilliard. She doesn't like music any more...she's studied it too much. She still does it, of course, but overexposure has taken away her enjoyment of it. Interesting.

There's a handbook of sound stuff? That you own? How soon 'til I can borrow it? :-P

Author at 661 said...

Indubitably is one of my favorite words. Such a fun one to pronounce! indoobitooblee. =P

LG- *making a mental note to use/reference to SOL*

you guessed it said...

No one likes Nebulon's EQ style.

Clear Ambassador said...

It's a handbook of mixing, and you're welcome to borrow it when I'm done soaking it in for awhile. It's astonishingly pro-level though, I'll warn you.

Nice, MAQ.