Thursday, May 04, 2006

New guitar, woohoo!

Praise the Lord with the [guitar];
Make melody to Him with an
   instrument of [six] string.
Sing to Him a new song;
Play skillfully with a shout of
For the word of the Lord is right,
And all His work is done in truth.
He loves righteousness and
The earth is full of the
   goodness of the Lord.

Psalm 33:2-5

I've gotta share my joy, and I figured my best bet was with some guitar-type folks :-)

I stopped by Guitar Center yesterday for a strap, and came out with a Strat. USA Strat, to be specific. $1200, you ask? Used for $800? No sirree! Beat up, corroded, dented and dinged, custom hardware, unidentified random holes drilled in the body....for $400. And it still has that clear sweetness and solidity of a US Strat that keeps people buyin' em. It's metallic red with an aluminum pickguard and stuff for locking tuners (woot woot!).

I've cleaned it up a bunch, and tonight I put new heavy gauge strings on it and plugged it to "Doug," the '70's Fender Bassman 100 that I picked up at the Midway. Fender + Fender + cranked to 10 = sweetness. Sweetness + recording stuff = sweet mp3 :-) Mildly sweet. I can see now I rushed everything. But ya know, the spirit is there. So, hope y'all enjoy some recorded ramblings from the Behrens basement...

Click to enjoy recorded music

The goodness of the Lord, as manifested in vintage all-tube distortion :-)


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Bubs said...

Ha! dude! you stole my blog/email combo post idea!

Good work!

~~Not Elise~~


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Wow! Definitely a Fender sound, but the player obviously knew some tricks :-)