Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Few Notes

  • Turns out when bereft of rock, I can indeed thoroughly enjoy other kinds of music. UK's Apple has great speakers with a unique jack, so I'm limited to his iTunes selection (a mere 4026 songs :-P). Without my usual fare, I have turned to Bach, Brahms, The Doobie Brothers (who I officially love now), and big band.
  • Food is a war. It does not want to be in an eatable form. I must threaten it with fire and sharp objects to get it into a meal. I enjoy cooking; but alone, when no cooking = no real meal, it feels strangely antagonistic.
  • The dryness out here is nice in some odd ways. If any dish or implement is wet, just set it out, and it'll be bone dry shortly. Socks not quite finished from the dryer? Just set it out and you're good. Wash your hands? Don't need a towel! Just wave 'em around a bit and the water's gone. Your hands actually get cold it evaporates so fast.
  • I don't mind being alone like this. I just have to be careful what music I listen to. Don't want to wake up emotions that would have no solace in my solitude.
  • I missed the last TWO Penguins games!! One of them I didn't even know was being played - thought they weren't playing till Saturday. Then Saturday I looked forward to the game all day, so excited for it.. and got a text around 5pm with the results. What?? It had been an afternoon game! I had missed it all. Great sadness.
  • After mistakenly turning into the parking lot of a Mormon church this morning I was all the happier to arrive at Gateway Community Church and there to worship the true God. I haven't gotten much into worship lately, but today I was glad to raise my arms, if only to emphasize the point that this God is the one I'm going after, or waiting on, or whatever. I don't want to be worshiping anything else.
  • Oh for sunshine! I have spent the last two days inside but for some shopping, and I'm ready to GO. I want to see sun-baked desert again! Yellow light, warmness on my skin, unobstructed view. Go away clouds! Meh.

I'm glad I'm here.

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